
Friday, July 13, 2012

wwe (20-Man Battle Royal)

Woo Woo Woo! Zack Ryder wins the 20-man Battle Royal at WWE SmackDown.In SmackDown there held a 20 man Great American Bash 20-Man Battle Royal Match.

The participants of the match were; Justin Gabriel,CM Punk,Christian,Kane,Big Show,Tensai,Daniel Bryen,Santino Marella,Alberto Del Rio,The Great Khali,Cody Rodge,Ezekiel Jackson,Jack Swagger,Dolph Ziggler,Brodus Clay,Kofi Kingston,Damien Sandow,Heath Slater,John Cena and Jack Ryder.

The Great  American Bash Zack Ryder will take the reins of SmackDown as a interim General Manager. The Long Island Iced-Z now finds himself in the unique position of being an active Superstar and SmackDown’s power broker at the same time.


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